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MERC is 50 acres of carefully designed and managed paddocks purpose-built to safely house the large number of horses that spend time at the facility to fulfil their owner's breeding programs. There is a large resident embryo recipient herd of horses, agistment paddocks for breeding mares, separate paddocks for mares and foals and stallions stations.


The MERC breeding laboratory is adjacent to a yard facility with breeding crushes, holding pens and over 40 individual day yards. This work area is the centre of daily activities at MERC and is surrounded by larger paddocks in which horses spend the majority of their time. All agisted mares are hand-fed daily in the day yards, where they can be examined, treated and managed through their breeding cycles.


The Laboratory has all the equipment to assist with the large number of breeding services that are performed daily during breeding season. The centre receives orders, collects, processes and freights chilled semen from several stallions on a daily basis to areas all over the southern hemisphere. Semen freezing is also available at MERC.




Andrew Bennett

From what began as a career in veterinary science in 1991, Andrew went on to work in, then own and manage a growing mixed animal Practice - Macleay Valley Vets. He found his true passion in equine reproduction in the early 2000s!


Andrew's interest in breeding horses has evolved from a hobby, to a passion and is now his way of life! Finally retiring from Macleay Valley Vets after 32 years in 2023, Andrew now works exclusively in equine reproduction and runs MERC with his wife Karen, full-time off-sider Sheridan Wicks and long-time friend & mentor “Speedy” Millard. Daughter Sheriden Bennett completes his team in Uni holidays.


Andrew not only has a passion for breeding horses, but also enjoys following the successes of the progeny that are bred right here at MERC!


During breeding season, he spends most of his time at the centre, with little time (or desire) for days off. In the autumn and winter, he enjoys farming, travelling, and spending time with his family and friends.

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Sheridan Wicks

“Wicksy” is the horseman in charge at MERC. 


He manages the farm, handling everything from the Stallions to mare herds and the staff’s day to day routine. He & Andrew make the big calls and decisions on all mare and stallion programs. His horsemanship is particularly important with Stallion handling but is also an asset to everyone around him daily at MERC. He is a great mentor and boss to all the crew and also a contact for all the clients when Andrew’s hands are “occupied”. His experience in equine reproduction has become invaluable & outweighs his years.


Wicksy rarely has time off but when he does, he works for himself as a horse handler & educator. He also enjoys camp drafting when time permits and also stands his stallion “Nonda Harvard” both at home and through MERC.


Sheridan Wicks is an integral part of the team which would be lost without him.

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"The Boss" Geoff Millard

Geoff “Speedy” Millard has always been referred to as “The Boss” at MERC!


His lifetime of horsemanship, life lessons & anecdotes are a highlight for everyone on a daily basis. He has been the overseer at MERC since he and Andrew’s Dad built the first set of equine yards in the year 2000! After more than 25 years looking after all the jobs at MERC that Andrew doesn’t have time to do, he continues to watch over everything, providing an amazing equine skill level as well as friendship & guidance for all!


“The bosses” stories provide an insight into a lifetime on the Macleay, many laughs and lots of amazement at the life he has lived. These days being in his 80’s still doesn’t hamper him, or the tasks he takes on, and he takes pleasure in looking after the younger of the crew! 


Geoff has downtime to look after his small farm and his beloved dog “Rex” who can be seen cruising the town on the front seat of his ute daily!


MERC simply would not be the place it is today without “The Boss”.

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Sheriden Bennett

Sheriden Bennett was born and raised at MERC!


While many people are amazed at the procedures & goings on at MERC “Floss” grew up with them, so it’s all just normality for her. Coming on board as a paid staff member when she started University was like an expected passage in the family. Floss’s love for horses was pretty much a given with a childhood around so many. Pony club and now general pleasure riding are one of her loves! Sheriden has taken over from her brother Jack & family friend Pat’s as Wicksy’ s offsider.  It’s a busy role and often a challenge but like her predecessors she has proven herself to be a valuable member of the MERC team. Her work ethic and ability to be calm under pressure along with her humor and horsemanship make her the perfect employee at MERC.


Most of her time is spent at Albies College and UNE where she is studying Law. She loves college life & enjoys her sport being a keen netballer for Albies College.

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Karen Bennett

“Dotti” is the matriarch of MERC. She has not been at the crush for every minute but has been the support and backbone behind the development of MERC from breeding a handful of mares a season to the Centre it is today. Her ability to sprinkle “Dotti Dust” over everyone and everything at MERC is responsible for keeping everyone not only sane, but in good humor despite the long hours and pressures of the season! And all this over many years as a full-time teacher and mother. 


Besides being the supplier of food, refreshments and good tidings, Dotti has become a valuable equine assistant & takes on all the tasks at MERC when needed. Sort of like a fill in for everyone and everything! 


Dotti loves her pleasure riding and especially her own mare “Nova”! The pair can be seen anywhere from the beach, to trail rides or hacking lessons. Her other equine highlight at the moment is her Nonda Harvard foal “Swagger” who was born in September 2023.


She is the glue that keeps us together and keeps the wheels turning at MERC!

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The crew 2022 – Benno, Floss, Wicksy, Pat, And The boss with Mudjimba in his lap.

(Dotti is missing as she is taking the photo!!)

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